Sunday, December 6, 2015

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Fast

What if I told you that there is a way for you to get your ex girlfriend back? It may take some patience and effort, but so does anything worth fighting for. Below I will outline the exact steps you should take to get your girlfriend back.

The No Contact Rule

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
First, you should resist all efforts to contact her at this stage. Don’t call, text or email her. I know this is hard, but the state of mind you are in right now will only make your attempts to contact her come across as pathetic and desperate.

In the event that you can’t control yourself and you just HAVE to reach out to her, by all means do this with extreme care. In addition, I suggest texting over calling. Why? Because you can say some pretty stupid things in a phone call that would likely turn her off and push her further away.

Alternatively, with texting, you can take your time to craft just the right message and send it ONLY when it’s perfect and certain to bring her closer to you, rather than push her further away.

How To Get Her Back Fast
This resource comes with numerous copy-and-paste text messages that have been proven to elicit the right response to bring your ex girlfriend closer to you, rather than push her away. The more desperate, angry or anxious you are feeling, the more you should rely on a proven text messages that have been proven to get positive results. In other words, well researched phrases are going to get you what you want, much better than what you are likely to text in desperation.

The wrong text, the pushy, needy or desperate one, could push her away beyond repair. The perfectly crafted text could satisfy your desire to reach out to her while at the same time increasing your chances of eventually getting her back.

What Do You Do In The Meantime?

That’s enough about the “no contact rule”. However, while we are giving our ex girlfriend the time she needs to come around, there’s no need to waste our time twiddling our thumbs. There are steps you can take to improve yourself so that when she is ready to come back, you have made some progress on your own flaws that likely drove her away in the first place.

Get Ger Back After The Breakup
The first thing you have to accept right now is that you are not perfect. You have flaws. And, one or more of those flaws likely contributed to your break up. So, instead of moping around and feeling sorry for yourself, you are going to use this time to identify your most serious character flaws and start to improve yourself and make yourself more attractive to your ex girlfriend.

Now is not the time to focus on her problems and shortcomings and what she needs to do to improve. That’s on her. Something about YOU drove her away. What was it? Was it some character flaw? Identify it and start improving yourself. She will be so impressed with your improvement that she will want to have you back.

The best way to go about this is to look for low-hanging fruit. There are four behavior flaws that relationship expert Dr. John Gottman has identified as being the main indicators that a relationship is going to fail. As we look at each of these character flaws, remember that you should only be concerned with you. It is not your concern if your ex girlfriend contains one or more of these flaws. This is not about her right now. It’s about you. Moreover, if your ex does possess any of these flaws, and you start calling or texting her to tell her so, you are only going to drive her further away.

Get Your Ex Girlfriend To Want You Back
So, what are these character flaws? I’m going to lay them out as simply as possible so you can get to work right away on making improvements.

The four Horsemen of the Apocalypse


Where you in the habit of criticizing your ex-girlfriend? Constantly criticizing your partner is a relationship killer. In order to improve in this area you want to start training yourself to praise instead of criticize. You will obviously have the urge to criticize. When that urge arises, do your best to fight it and don’t let it surface. Alternatively, you want to start training yourself to actively look for the positive qualities in your ex-girlfriend that you can verbally praise her for. She will love it!


Do you have a tendency to get defensive when your ex-girlfriend criticized you? If so, this is another area where you can improve. Rather than reacting defensively to criticism, respond by expressing that criticism isn’t helpful to solving the problem and that it only makes you feel defensive. Repeat this over and over again each time you are criticized so that slowly, she can begin to understand that her behavior is unacceptable.


Contempt is where you put yourself on a pedestal as someone who is intrinsically better than the other.
It’s important that you try to recognize if you are guilty of this and then go about changing it right away.


Stonewalling is when you feel so overwhelmed during confrontation that you just shut down and withdraw, refusing to participate in the problem-solving process.


Don’t brush over these bad habits. It has been scientifically established these four habits are the most responsible for relationship failures. And if these are the worst habits, then their opposites must be the habits that are most likely to make a relationship successful.

Therefore, instead of being critical, praise your partner. Instead of being defensive, repeatedly state that the criticism you are receiving is not helping to solving the problem. Instead of feeling contempt, work on regarding your partner as an equal. And finally, instead of stonewalling, repeatedly remind your partner that the way they go about solving problems is pushing you away and causing you to withdraw.

I hope you have found this information useful. Please take a look at the other articles on the site to further help you in successfully repairing your relationship with your girlfriend.

I wish you the best of luck.